
What is Success?

The favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors.
The positive acts of being clever when-ever..

The attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
Hiking to the top of a mountain, rising to the highest of heights.

A successful performance or achievement: (The play was an instant success).
Thanking God each and everyday and knowing you are blessed.

A person or thing that is successful: (She was a great success on the talk show).
A person that can speak or listen, A person that has the Godly glow..

This is what success means to me
it's even written in the dictionary
I aim for success each and every day
Dropping off some wisdom as I go about my way
God Is Great, we come from success
I'm glad we've been blessed and life's a big test
So lets pass this test with an awesome grade
Strive for success before our lives one-day fades...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey nice write ups.....

first time here, how are you?